Function that creates a log likelihood function given a density function density.

likelihood(density, ...)



density function used


other options


A function that is the log likelihood function from density function density.


The log likelihood is the log of a function of parameters given the data.


likelihood(dnorm, x = rnorm(100))
#> function (mean = 0, sd = 1, x = rnorm(100), log = FALSE) #> { #> form <- map(set_names(ls(), ls()), function(x) { #> tryCatch(env_get(nm = x, inherit = TRUE), error = function(cnd) { #> NULL #> }) #> }) #> form <- form[!sapply(form, is.null)] #> if (log == TRUE) { #> value <- Reduce(`+`, rlang::invoke(map, c(.x = list(x), #> .f = expr(function (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE) #> .Call(C_dnorm, x, mean, sd, log)), form[!(names(form) %in% #> "x")]))) #> } #> else if (log == FALSE) { #> value <- Reduce(`*`, rlang::invoke(map, c(.x = list(x), #> .f = expr(function (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE) #> .Call(C_dnorm, x, mean, sd, log)), form[!(names(form) %in% #> "x")]))) #> } #> else { #> stop(paste0("The log value: ", log, " will not work. Please specify either TURE or FALSE")) #> } #> value #> } #> <environment: 0x55a2930>